Yuva IJP was formed with the objective of channelizing and mobilizing the youth of largest democracy in the world towards working for a society, which is egalitarian and secular in outlook. It is the largest democratic and secular youth association in Uttar Pradesh  that represents the aspirations of millions of youth and students for a progressive politics aiming to ensure inclusive development. Yuva IJP , has been positively charging the young minds by remaining in the vanguard of youth politics. Since its inception, Yuva IJP  has been in the forefront to protect the rights and interest of youth and students cutting across caste, class, religion and gender.

Yuva IJP  realizes that the involvement of youth in uttar pradesh politics is still limited and one of the plausible reasons is that large number of people look at politics with cynicism. They are of the view that any kind of engagement with politics shall hamper the career and prospects of the young. Yuva IJP feels that only the young can contest and challenge this ‘hegemonic anti-politics’ of our times. Yuva IJP has immaculate belief in ‘Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, but to be young was very heaven’ and hence places a high premium on the potential of youth in social and political transformation. Yuva IJP exhorts the youth to come together that and shape the state, society and the nation for a better tomorrow.

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